is Serena Pang and Lei
SPANG&LEI are a dynamic digital duo whose practice is driven by performative dimensions of participatory experiences; how emergent and speculative technologies can challenge dominant narratives around formation and governance of locales and bodies. They create new frameworks for technology-mediated interactions and collaborative encounters, an endeavor that has prompted SPANG&LEI to develop and curate numerous local and international arts, media, and tech initiatives. Their “Human Becoming Landscapes” approach contributes to nuanced ways of thinking about humans, non-humans, other-than-humans, objects, and digitalised versions of selves.
Serena Pang is currently a performance studies researcher. A theatre actor by training and profession, Serena is making her forays into performance research. She was awarded the “Performance Studies Emerging Scholar Award” by NYU’s Department of Performance Studies. Serena endeavors to be a perceptive performer-archivist and hopes to use performance as a sustainable archival methodology. She uses participatory digital performance for investigations into the dimensions of Citizenship. She has taught with Nanyang Technological University, School of Art, Design & Media.
Lei is an artist & educator, and a graduate of NYU’s Interactive Telecommunication Program (ITP). Lei was awarded the Tisch School of the Arts Scholarship from NYU, New York. Lei hopes to initiate a dialogue between the state of Singapore’s digital-art technology and Singapore’s level of participatory politics. Research interest in (1) interactive and digital experience design (2) human-centric experiences with technology (3) frameworks for collaborative dynamics and technology-mediated interactions (4) speculative design & futures thinking. Currently Course Manager in Interaction Design at School of Design & Media, Nanyang Polytechnic, Lei has taught with Nanyang Technological University, School of Art, Design & Media and National University of Singapore, Department of Communications and New Media.