An initiative spearheaded by the National Arts Council (NAC), Noise Singapore provides a dynamic platform for young individuals to showcase their creative talents and explore the transformative power of the arts.
Under the thematic umbrella of "No Sense Without You," a new artistic paradigm emerges, shifting from static objects to interactive social experiences. At the inaugural Noise Metaverse, attendees play a central role in each exhibited artwork, infusing them with vibrancy and import.
This integration of art and audience engagement is exemplified by 14 mentorship pieces and 3 student works, demonstrating the increasing trend among emerging artists to incorporate immersive technology into their creations. Embarking on this exploration offers an invitation to delve into novel encounters and uncharted territories.
Works featured in this reel >> Dreamscape (Tilt Brush) by Zenith Chan Hoi Yu | Letters of Love (Robot Arm & AR) by Din Chan, Hasan & Mark | Eternal Sunshine (If Things Could Change...) (Projection, customised electronics) by Akai Chew | The Virtual Spatial Musical Instrument (The VSMI) (VR, sound installation, projection) by Timothy S. H. Tan | Because I have to hunger (AR) by Wenlin Tan